Next club meeting will be March 10th at 7:30 at IHOP in Conyers
Signed in as:
The Conyers Kennel Club hosts one four-day Conformation/Obedience show every year in February. This four-day show is hosted in partnership with Griffin Georgia Kennel Club to form the Cherokee Rose Cluster.
They are held at the Atlanta Expo Center on Jonesboro Road.
Please refer to MB-F, Inc.'s website for detailed information
Conformation Handling Classes /CGC Classes
Stay tuned for our next Handling Class and CGC Class schedule!
See you in the Spring of 2025!
Our monthly meetings are held the second Monday of each month (with the exception of December), at the Conyers IHOP, 1310 Dogwood at 7:30 PM. Check back in, as the location can change due to availability, Covid 19 and Social Distancing.
Our next meeting is on March 10th, 2025 at IHOP in Conyers, GA
The meeting often involves a guest speaker, and a short business meeting.
All meetings of the Club are open to members, guests, and the general public.
Interested in joining the Club?
We welcome visitors who are interested in learning more about our club.
Please join us at any of our meetings or events.
Membership is by application, election, and payment of annual dues. You must attend two of our meeting or events. Your application must be sponsored by two club members in good standing.
Stay tuned!